Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
It's official...we're babyless
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Catching up Again one ask me what my boys "NEED" for Christmas. We're looking to simplify Christmas a bit this year...

Carter's doing great as well. Since his birthday occurs during the first week of school...and he's a rather energetic boy, we elected to have him do preschool again this year. We originally started him in the same school as last year, but have since switched him to a different school and he's doing wonderfully. I guess there's something to be said for putting a kid in an enviroment where he feels he's loved rather than just pushed academically. He's starting to read that he's not being pushed to READ. Go figure.

Carter, our PEZ dispenser. You know it's cold when this kid says he'd rather go home than get more candy. It was freezing!

Lovingly "tossing a few leaves" on his sister. She was unimpressed.

And off and running. Her personality continues to put me under a spell. Not sure if it's a "baby #3" thing or a "girl" thing. She's very charming and pretty easy-going as long as she's gotten some sleep and her belly is full. She says "Hi" and "What's that?"...and of course, waves bye-bye and spits upon request. If I point and say "ET phone home", she sticks out her pointer finger and touches mine. She likes to help mommy sort laundry (fling all laundry around room, whether folded or unfolded) and load the dishwasher (attempt to crawl into dishwasher). I love to watch her hug her baby dolls. She also demonstrates the classic girlish eye-batting when she decides to be shy when someone's talking to her. How do they figure that stuff out so early?
Being cheese-y for the camera.

Gotta love the first tooth gaps!
Her mother neglected to trim her nails in a timely manner, so she scratched her nose...but the silly thing wouldn't quit bleeding.

Snuggling her pillow pet from Grandma Jan.

As for Ryan and I, nothing much as changed...getting older and more boring with each day...and we like it that way. But no one wants to hear about us anyway.
Monday, August 30, 2010
For Crying Out Loud...
I wish I had a bed this comfy...the pillows and blankies and soft bunny. I'd never get out of bed!
Despite the tragic bedtime, Sadie's doing great. She crawled for only 4 days before pulling up on furniture and getting into everything. She now stands for a good 10 seconds or longer without holding onto anything. We predict she'll be walking by October.
Sadie lounging.

Since it's been forever since I've sat down to blog, I better get somewhat caught up with a recap: .
June & July:
Sadie and I took a trip to Minnesota to see my cousin, Michelle and her baby, Kylee. Kylee was born Dec. 21 but wasn't due until mid March. So, she and Sadie are only 5 weeks apart in age, but 4 months apart in development. In this picture, Kylee's on the left, then Logan (my friend, Julie's baby) and Sadie's on the right. Kylee and Logan are developmentally the same age. Kylee and Sadie are technically about the same age. BUT, Logan weighed as much as Sadie!
Michelle and I

Tball rules changed this year, which means Carter got to play even though he was only 4 years old. He seemed to like the first practice or two but quickly got bored with the rest of the season. We'll see what next year brings.
Carter up to bat.
Logan taking off for first.

Sadie's wondering what kind of freak family she was born into...
Cousins Caitlyn and Madyson also visited this summer. Hard to believe a year ago we visited them in Montana. Madyson was the age Sadie is now...and we were expecting a boy!!! Funny how things have changed in a year.
Of course, a typical picture with all the cousins...not a single kid looking at the camera.
Of course our main news in August is Carter turning 5!!! We had a carnival theme for his birthday, including Logan putting on a magic show with his trusty assistant, Joshua.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Greetings from Minnesota
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Fame in her future

Sadie vs. Al Bundy: I don't think I need to point out the resemblance here.

So Miss Sadie is officially 5 months old today...and Mommy's officially tired. On a positive note, I made it much further before I reached the point of exhaustion with this baby than I did with the previous two! Who needs sleep, right?
You might recall that many months ago I noted that this baby (boy) #3 was the most active in utero...and that has not changed in the outside world. She's a big fan of immediately rolling over onto her belly and then protesting the fact that she's "stuck." Lots of yelling going on at the Magee house. She also digs her feet into the carpet and has managed to push herself forward a couple of times. I have a feeling the gate will be going back up at the top of our stairs very soon.
She's also quite nosey, constantly wanting to know what's going on. I'm afraid some things Mommy simply cannot do one-handed, so Sadie gets put in her chair to supervise. God help me when she can actually bark orders at me!
She remains the emotional basketcase she was several months ago. However, she rarely fusses or truly cries. She just yells...all day long...And if Mommy thinks for one second she's allowed to turn her back on Miss Sadie (i.e., to hang up her coat when we get home), Sadie manages to go from smiling to screaming in exactly 0.3 seconds! Until Mommy turns around again - THEN we're happy. I feel sooooo loved.
She's remained a healthy baby, other than a little runny nose here and there. Not sure how much of that is teething, cold, or her GERD. But, it doesn't seem to bother her. Her GERD seems stable with her medicine (and for what that medication costs, it OUGHT to be!). And now that cold & flu season is coming to a close and the boys will stop bringing home school germs, I'm hoping she'll be good throughout the summer.
The boys are plenty busy, finishing up the school year and playing indoor soccer. Logan's convinced that Carter can read now because he can recognize which of his cars are "Hot Wheels" as opposed to some other brand. Little League changed their rules for this year, so Carter will get to play t-ball with Logan. Yikes. That kid with a baseball bat might not be such a grand idea. Helmets will probably be mandatory in the dugout after this season.