Friday, January 15, 2010

Catching up

I'm TRYING to stay up to date on here...but I find myself putting a video and a few pics from 3-4 weeks ago...bear with me.

In addition to BOXES of clothes, my friend Christina generously gave us this cadillac of a swing. It swings forward/backward or side to side. It's got a mobile with or without lights and with or without music. And here's a brilliant idea - IT PLUGS IN!!! I guess we won't have to buy stock in the energizer bunny afterall.

...and 30 seconds later....

Logan's second birthday party (with the adults this time) - on his actual birthday. Doesn't he look big?Trying not to smile; I had told him he'd get an extra spanking for each candle he didn't blow out on the first try. The pressure was on!Carter playing with the playmobil toys; he took the deer antlers off and put on a piece from the policeman set. He said the lodge needed a satellite dish!

Sadie just had her 2-month check up. Nothing much to report. Her awful baby acne has pretty much cleared up so she no longer looks like she has the measles. Cradle cap has emerged, but so far, it hasn't been as bad as the boys' was.

We have now entered the stage where I should just invest in about 20 white onesies. She spits up so much and so often, she's constantly got a bib on. No cute shirts visible here. I even used an old flannel sheet to make a bunch more burp rags (much LARGER than the original ones I made).

She was almost 10 pounds on Monday, which Dr. Russell said is a little on the lighter side, but still within the norm. He had heard a heart murmur in December, but couldn't hear it this past Monday (which is a good thing). He said he's just going to keep listening for it; Sadie hasn't shown any ill effects of it, such as poor eating or gasping for air. I'm trying to adjust a few things with her eating to see if she can keep down more of what she eats. Thus far, sitting her up for 30 minutes after eating hasn't helped all that much.

Other than growing, not much new with her. She's very "expressive" when she talks...or yells, for that matter. Funny how that body language component seems so prevalent in her, compared to the boys. She's also a bed hog. I tend to bring her into bed with us when she wakes up around 2:00 - 3:00. By the time Ryan's alarm goes off at 5:00, she's in the middle of the bed and Ryan's practically falling off the other side. She's such a warm baby, I tend to feed her and then move away from her a little...but she manages to keep inch-worming her way to me, even though she's swaddled. It's actually kind of comical to watch. Imagine when she's truly mobile!

Sadie visiting with Daddy on Christmas day. Kind of a smile caught. Usually a look of confusion appears as soon as I put the camera in front of my face.

See what I mean?

Stretching out.

Checking out those pesky ants. Sometimes we talk to them.

Not happy that she has to fake being a Yankees fan.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Life here is no picnic

Whew! Now that Christmas is over and the boys are back in school, I’m hoping to get some kind of routine down again. I have to admit, it was a nice break from being in the car so much.

Once the new Christmas toys were sort of put away, I decided to tackle decorating Sadie’s room. Our pastor’s daughters had offered to help paint at Thanksgiving dinner and I was definitely going to make sure they meant it! Elizabeth came over on Monday and she and I did the taping, priming, and first coat of each color. Then, on Thursday, Becki and Elizabeth put the other two coats of each color on while I sewed Sadie’s crib bumper. Thankfully my mom came both days to entertain Sadie so all I had to do was feed her. And between Julie (our sitter) and the Grandpa Jim/Grandma Rita combo, the boys were taken care of both days as well. On New Year’s Day, my dad practically locked himself in Sadie’s room to give it the artist’s touch. She definitely has a bedroom like no one else.

I don’t remember exactly when I got the idea for the theme for her room, but I do know it was before we “knew” we were having a boy. I was trying to think of something that was not pink, flowers, princess, or anything else that was “typical girl.” Nothing against those themes, but I wanted something no one else would have. So I came up with the idea of a picnic and even started searching for fabric, etc…and then found out we were having a boy. I didn’t think replacing Yankees with picnic for our third boy would have gone over too well with dad…but alas, we had a girl, so out with the baseball!!!
As you walk in...

Over the changing tableThe crib bumper is truly red; the lighting in the room is awful for the picture.All of the crib bumper sections had a basket, ant, lemonade, or watermelonMischievous antsLogan and Carter say the apple "looks good enough to eat."And, of course, the room wouldn't be complete without a pink Yankees cap

Now I need to figure out window coverings...I'm thinking "sunshine yellow" curtains.
So for a little irony to this story...Our house dropped off the market in November and we didn't bother relisting it yet because of having a baby, Christmas, slow market, etc. As Dad was finishing up his painting on Saturday, I joked and said our house would probably sell "tomorrow." And because the chaos of having Sadie's stuff all over our bed for the week was getting to me, I stayed up way too late Sunday night to put her room back together (outlet covers, putting drop cloths away, etc.). Ryan was out of town for work anyway. Wouldn't ya know it...our realtor calls at 6:30 Monday night and wanted to show our house on Tuesday. I told him that was NOT possible with our house still in ruins, 3 kids and Ryan out of town. Wouldn't be sooooo bad, but Miss Sadie seems to think midnight is an acceptable bedtime so I couldn't really accomplish any cleaning or putting away of Christmas stuff until after that. So, we scheduled the showing for Wednesday instead. Go figure.