Monday, August 25, 2008

Our baby's three today

As of 10:07 this morning, Carter is officially 3 years old. It's funny how there are days that I feel I barely survive until bedtime...and yet three years have gone by in a blink. As I've been sorting through the boys' pictures in an attempt to get organized, I remember taking certain pictures of them, but I'm not sure I actually remember them being babies. Such is the Mommy Brain Syndrome.
Because Grandpa Jim works on the slope when we had planned Carter's birthday party, we had another birthday party on Sunday so Grandpa could celebrate too. (Tragic for Carter...two parties. Logan's already asking if he'll have two parties for his birthday!)
Two of Carter's favorite things...frosting and marshmallows...on cupcakes made to look like popcorn.

Complete with the "buttered" look.

I don't have the talent that my sister-in-law, Doreen, has when it comes to cake decorating, but they turned out pretty cute. They were a lot of work, so I'm glad I didn't decide to make 24 of them for the bigger party.

I made the mistake of asking Carter what color candles he wanted. He picked three PINK ones...Daddy threw them away afterwards so they couldn't be reused.
Helping Daddy dig out all the pieces.

Drilling with the tool set from Mommy, Daddy and Logan.

Making BEAUTIFUL, LOUD music with Grandpa and Logan.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Fair Time!

The State Fair was in Ninilchik this past weekend and we had decided we would take the boys if the weather cooperated. After raining for the first two days, the sun peeked out Saturday afternoon just as Ryan got home from work, so we decided to head down there. The boys were pretty excited to go to the "parade" (as they keep calling it), especially since that means they get to watch a movie in the car for the long ride.

The first event as we arrived were the pig races...complete with betting and interviews with the "athletes." Ryan actually turned to me at one point and said "We're skipping the Olympics for THIS??"

Next on the schedule...Dinner. Being the good parents that we are, cotton candy and pizza seemed like a good choice. Grandpa Jim was very disappointed he missed the opportunity to sugar up the boys without getting into trouble.

After checking out all the ducks, chickens, goats and cows, it was time for a horse ride. Suprisingly, even Carter wanted to go. We did talk him out of riding the big horse, though.

Both the boys got to ride "Gidget."There really aren't any rides at this fair, but there were a few other things for the boys to do. Logan seemed to think he wanted to climb the rock wall, but when we told him he could pick just one thing, he opted for the inflatable obstacle course. He does continue to tell us he'll do the rock wall when he's five.

Almost to the finish.

Waiting for Carter to get ready.
Hopping off, ready to go again!
Lastly...dessert...kettle corn he got from a cute little girl the boys were sitting by.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Baby Fever

Nope - I'm not pregnant (nor am I trying to become so)...

But, we just had a visit from our Christmas-day nephew, Speed for two weeks at the end of July. The boys sure loved being around him. They were especially excited to dig out their old baby toys to bring over to Grandma Rita's house so the poor, deprived kid had something to play with. Carter was a bit smothering; Logan could've really cared less that Speed was there. Speedy reminds me a lot of Logan - how he just sits and studies everything that's going on around him. Pretty mellow (with the exception of the one time Carter hit him...then he milked it for all it was worth from Grandma!).
Proud cousin, Carter "holdeeen duh babeee"

On top of that - we just found out we are going to have another niece in December...hopefully not sooner. That will bring our grand total to 4 nieces and 4 nephews (half by blood, half by marriage). The more the merrier! So, today I went shopping! I managed to get only one PINK outfit...I know her mommy didn't want Caitlyn always dressed in pink, so I tried to spread the wealth over the color spectrum. After four and a half years of baseball, frogs and monster trucks, it's nice to look at a few butterflies, hearts and flowers.

Lastly, Logan finished up his first season of soccer. He managed to kick the ball 4 times this entire season (once on purpose). Apparently he lacks his father's athletic aggression. It was common for the ball to come right to him and he'd just back up and let the other kids have it. On the very last day, we were cheering "Logan, kick the ball". He turned and yelled back "I can't find the ball." WHAP! Right in the chest. Gotta love the irony.

Captain Morgan audition with his team

Pretty typical sightings at each game this year...Logan doing just about anything BUT playing soccer!