Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fame in her future

Our baby girl just might be made for Hollywood if she continues to resemble stars such as these...
Sadie vs. Master Yoda: The ears are the biggest resemblance, but the lack of hair is another comparable feature.

Sadie vs. Al Bundy: I don't think I need to point out the resemblance here.

So Miss Sadie is officially 5 months old today...and Mommy's officially tired. On a positive note, I made it much further before I reached the point of exhaustion with this baby than I did with the previous two! Who needs sleep, right?

You might recall that many months ago I noted that this baby (boy) #3 was the most active in utero...and that has not changed in the outside world. She's a big fan of immediately rolling over onto her belly and then protesting the fact that she's "stuck." Lots of yelling going on at the Magee house. She also digs her feet into the carpet and has managed to push herself forward a couple of times. I have a feeling the gate will be going back up at the top of our stairs very soon.

She's also quite nosey, constantly wanting to know what's going on. I'm afraid some things Mommy simply cannot do one-handed, so Sadie gets put in her chair to supervise. God help me when she can actually bark orders at me!

She remains the emotional basketcase she was several months ago. However, she rarely fusses or truly cries. She just yells...all day long...And if Mommy thinks for one second she's allowed to turn her back on Miss Sadie (i.e., to hang up her coat when we get home), Sadie manages to go from smiling to screaming in exactly 0.3 seconds! Until Mommy turns around again - THEN we're happy. I feel sooooo loved.

She's remained a healthy baby, other than a little runny nose here and there. Not sure how much of that is teething, cold, or her GERD. But, it doesn't seem to bother her. Her GERD seems stable with her medicine (and for what that medication costs, it OUGHT to be!). And now that cold & flu season is coming to a close and the boys will stop bringing home school germs, I'm hoping she'll be good throughout the summer.

The boys are plenty busy, finishing up the school year and playing indoor soccer. Logan's convinced that Carter can read now because he can recognize which of his cars are "Hot Wheels" as opposed to some other brand. Little League changed their rules for this year, so Carter will get to play t-ball with Logan. Yikes. That kid with a baseball bat might not be such a grand idea. Helmets will probably be mandatory in the dugout after this season.