Sunday, March 25, 2012


Since every single one of my posts could fittingly be titled "Catch Up", I'll work with a little play on words since the red condiment mentioned above is a favorite in our house.

March is nearly over, two of our kids have celebrated another year of life, Christmas is long past, and we're just coming out of Spring Break.  Must be time for an update.

Trick-or-treating as only Alaskans can do.

Birthday of a princess.

Getting a little help from Mommy and Kelty with blowing out the candles.

 Very proud of her new rocking chair from Grandma Jan.

Breaking out the Christmas decor.  The best part was stringing the tree lights down the stairs and around the corner.

 Sadie "riding the bus"

 School pics:
Logan 2nd grade

Carter kindergarten

Sadie preschool???

Carter's turkey cookie

Sadie self-dressing for the cold weather

Logan's slumber party.  Can you find all five bodies?  They all were pretty sure they "didn't sleep at all" the next morning.

Logan sporting his new glasses.

We do NOT part with Rapunzel.

Waiting for her tea at Addyson's birthday party.

The third lost tooth.

Makeover:  Sorry, Grandma Jan, but you no longer have a guest room to sleep in.  It has been transformed into the school room in hopes that my kitchen and dining area will be a little less trashed with school stuff each day.  We'll see...

"Sadie's Spot"

Now I just need shelves in the closet downstairs to move all of this stuff to. 

The largest croc I have ever seen.


Angie's monstrous avocado

This is the way we exit the jeep, exit the jeep, exit the jeep.

The only "missing pet" sign I saw.

Out on the catamaran:  the chillaxin feet of me, Ry, Ang, and Jerred.

A friendly neighborhood hammerhead.

Just a few of the abundance of goats we saw on our hike to the beach.

aaaaahhhhhh.  The Beach.

Some random dog on the beach, begging people to throw his coconut for him.

Angie joining the boys in a little football toss.  Since I throw like a girl, I elected to be on camera duty.

Ry and that random dog, hoping the football would be thrown for him.


Just another beach bum.

The Luau.

He loves me.

Angie throwing back the Mai Tai's (Well, okay, one of them is mine.).

Our sharpie tattoos:  mine is the gecko; Angie's is the flower.

Lava tube.


The volcano at night.

South Point (aka: the southern-most point of the U.S.A.)

My guy

A bit windy.

So after nearly 14 years of marriage, we have completed our first trip together.  Notice the romantic sleeping arrangements we had at the condo.  Kind of fitting, considering the "romantic" guy I married.  Needless to say, Ryan STILL owes me a honeymoon!