Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bring on the Snow!

Winter has officially arrived in Kenai. We got our first snowfall yesterday, though most of it melted by evening. However, we woke up to our first blanket of the white sticky stuff this morning. And boy, are the boys excited! They were ready to play outside at 7:00 this morning (I, however, was NOT).

So, I guess the countdown to June, when we will hopefully be snow-free, is on. In fact, I think the boys and I will be taking Ryan's car in to have studs put on tomorrow and then we'll walk to the library...if we make it there. I have a feeling we could be quite distracted by our first walk in the snow.

Obviously, growing up in Minnesota, I'm no stranger to snow, but the snow up here is very different. First, I never needed four-wheel drive in Minnesota. We got snow and a front-wheel drive vehicle usually got me where I needed to go. Not true here. Hence why I got a four-wheel drive vehicle shortly after getting up here. Got tired of getting stuck.

Secondly, we don't have drifts up here. Well, rarely anyway. Back home, we always had the wind that blew this fluffy stuff around and created these huge snow drifts across the roads everywhere. We see few drifts the entire winter here (which is 8 months long, remember).

I guess it's probably the wetness that makes the difference...and the fact that it's not uncommon to wake up and find 3 feet of new snow on the driveway! Thank God for our four-wheeler and plow. Otherwise, Ryan might make me start shoveling this year since I'm "not working." :)

The snow really is pretty today; I tried taking a few pictures of it falling, but they don't seem to do it justice.

Oh yeah...the best part is...I don't have to drag my babies out of their warm beds at 6:00 a.m. this winter!

Local Mama Moose watching her baby head up the hill.
Backyard at 7:20 this morning.
View from front of the house at around 8:30 this morning.


BellaLovesPink said...

Right now we have highs of 98 and cool nights at 75 or so...doesn't that make you want to move here!?

swood said...

Snow already! Booooooo! I love our high of 70 fall days right now!