Monday, March 30, 2009

Inquiring minds want to know

I am fully aware that all kids between the ages of 3 and...10??? ask a lot of questions. However, I'm pretty sure my kid asks more than the usual. For example, as I dropped him off at preschool this morning, I handed him his tuition check to give to his teacher. I reminded him "Hang onto it so the wind doesn't blow it away." After which I get a response: "Why? What happens if I drop it? What happens if it blows away? What will the teacher do if we don't pay her? Why do we have to pay for school? Why do the teachers have to pay for paper and stuff?" and on...and on...and on... I don't like to be one of those parents that thinks my kid is just so far from the norm but I SERIOUSLY have not ever witnessed another child drill his/her parents with so many questions to such a simple statement. (sigh)

And for those of you that know me, patience with this is not my strongest character quality. I like it when he asks questions and wants to know things...but 20 questions (or more) over something simple really pushes my buttons (Wait a you think that's why he does it???). So, this is something I have really been trying to work on. After all, I don't want to squelch the child's ambitions to learn and become an independent thinker. Needless to say, there's lots of deep breaths and counting to 10 in my world right now.

So, as I was putting my "be patient" tactics to use during the car ride home today, we somehow got on the subject of matter and it's various forms. He was having some difficulty pondering the possibility that one object could be soft and another could be hard and yet they were both solids. This eventually led to the discussion of the ice on our lake and the snow outside...which somehow led to the possibility of people freezing to death...which led to me telling him about frostbite...what it is and what causes it. We didn't manage to solve all the world's problems by the time we got home, but the five-year old was silenced by the time we hit the driveway. I didn't lose my patience once. I answered every question without irritation in my voice. I was actually feeling rather proud of myself.

...and then a little voice from the other booster seat says "I'm never going outside again." So while I satisfied one child's curiosity...I have instilled fear of losing fingers in the other.

Onto a happier note, Carter has made a change in potential careers for his future. He has now said that he no longer wants to be a giraffe when he grows up. They are too tall and he could fall on his butt and get hurt. He's decided to be a clown instead. We'll keep you posted...

Logan with Grandma Rita

Carter helping Grandpa Jim blow out the birthday candles.


BellaLovesPink said...

That was seriously laugh-out-loud funny! :-D

Robert and Erin said...

I am still laughing! I can't wait to see the boys tonight!

Robert and Erin said...

HA!! I mean I can't wait to see he boys in JUNE!!! Guess it's time for this mommy to get some sleep!