Saturday, June 13, 2009

Random Pregnant Thoughts...

Another doctor's appointment today, ultrasound included. This visit marks my 18th week, which I'm hoping is NOT my halfway point this time around. I have actually gained 2 pounds now, which is 6 weeks earlier than I gained weight with the boys, so that's a good thing.

Baby looked good...measuring about a week to a week and a half "ahead" of gestational age. However, our doctor did find one "prominent, curious finding" so we'll be going to Anchorage to see the perinatologist in the near future to get her opinion. Hopefully it will just be something we have to "watch". What's a pregnancy without a little glitch here or there? :)

Logan likes looking at the ultrasound pictures; he said the baby looks "like an ear." He's kinda right. Then, of course, there's Ryan asking the doctor who the baby looks like and what color eyes he/she has.

Ryan and I have a feeling this baby is a girl. And, because I love to sew but never know WHAT to sew, I'm going to start making baby girl stuff. If we are blessed with another boy, the crisis pregnancy center can benefit from a donation from me, I guess.

No major movement from baby yet - a few flutters here and there and one good "thump" or two each day. Sure was moving around lots on the ultrasound, though. So according to an old wives tale for determining due date, those first movements would put me due the week of Nov. 9th. I can't wait to stick my tongue out at those of you that voted for October on our poll (though I think one of the voters was Ryan - he said I have a "track record." Hmph. I'll show him).

I still don't look pregnant most of the time. It's a little bit noticeable for about 2 hours after I eat, but if I lie flat on my back, it all disappears. First thing in the morning, we can feel a little head for a moment or two; must be taking a morning stretch! Even though this baby is pretty little yet, it still seems unreal that a perfectly formed human being is in amazes me every time.

Overall, I really enjoy being pregnant (minus the nausea, of course, but I haven't yet met anyone that LIKES vomiting!). Granted, I felt pretty worthless when I was puking and exhausted, but I guess that's a self-esteem issue. I was much more ill and exhausted with this baby than with the other two. I'm not sure if it's because I'm older this time around, already chasing two kids, or I'm just more of a wimp than I recognized with the boys. One funny thing about this pregnancy is I have a very strong desire to sleep flat on my back...which isn't recommended when you're pregnant and I've NEVER been a back sleeper in my life. I also am craving peanuts and sunflower seeds are frequently in my possession. Funny how a 5-inch little bumpkin is calling the shots already!

Carter is our baby lover, as demonstrated by visiting his cousin, Madyson last week (pic down below). Logan doesn't really pay much attention. He's more concerned with knowing EXACTLY how many days until this new baby gets here (we have difficulty wrapping our brain around the concept that this is impossible to determine). He also wants to know HOW the baby gets out, which he's been satisfied with pretty simple answers thus far (keeping our fingers crossed). Ryan tends to leave the room when that question comes up. Coward. I'm sure Logan will be up close and personal to figure out the whole nursing process in the future. Maybe I should warn his kindergarten teacher about upcoming anatomy lessons he's sure to share with everyone.

We just got back from our week-long trip to Montana. Not nearly enough time with Grandma and our nieces, but it's nice to not live out of a suitcase for a while too. I'm pretty sure this is our last hassle-free airline trip for a while. The boys are pretty easy to travel with, now that we don't need to bring much with. Traveling with a baby requires a lot more hassle, especially with multiple other children, so we'll see when our next adventure takes place. Here's a few highlights from Montana:

Carter on the train ride in Helena. This kid could spot any train or train tracks in the entire state. He's VERY obsessed with trains...

...too bad he couldn't make it for the whole hour-long ride.

We went to Butte to pick up cousin Caitlyn for a few days. Logan and Caitlyn were inseparable for six days. Logan even got teary-eyed when it was time to go. As I recall, there wasn't even a single fight between the two of them the entire time.

The kiddos showing off their blue taffy tongues.

...and five miles down the road they all looked cyanotic as they sat passed out, blue lips and all...

Carter, Carter's tongue, and Madyson

Caitlyn testing out her new baby stuff I made for her. Every baby was "really, really poopy", required all four wipes to get clean and immediately needed to be changed again as soon as the new diaper was on. I wonder if she'll enjoy diaper changing this much when she's a mommy???

Caitlyn's baby diaper bag, filled with 4 cloth wipes in a wipes container, changing pad, 6 diapers, 2 bibs and a blankie. Very fun to make.

Caitlyn's purse. I was happy to see it coordinated nicely with the pink sunglasses she wore EVERYWHERE!

Madysons' shopping cart cover. I made one for Logan when he was a baby, but this one was much cooler; it folded into its' own attached bag and the seatbelt became a strap so it frees up mommy's hands to carry other stuff. Our munchkin will be getting one of these.

Uncle Ryan is such a pro with babies now. I love how she hooks her finger on her nose as she sucks her thumb. She's a very sweet baby.

After parting from Caitlyn, we headed back to Helena for a couple more days with Grandma. I haven't ever seen a playground like this in Alaska...

Our tightrope walker perfecting his skills for his upcoming circus career.

Of course, the picture of the kids sitting nicely with Grandma turned out blurry, but THIS one was fine. Go figure. There goes our chances of having people think our kids are well-behaved.

This sums up how we all felt after the long trip home.

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