Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Discipline issues...

So, as of late, our beloved Carter has had a certain discipline issue that has had to be dealt with a little more aggressively than usual. And although part of the process involved taking out the "attitude adjuster" we also incorporated a bit of positive incentive as well. As I was shopping for a little friend's birthday present, I picked up a small toy for Carter. And, of course, as soon as I brought the bag into the house, Carter started digging in it and asking who these things were for. Two were for his little friend, but then I told him the third thing was for him. BUT, he had to do a certain something for 7 consecutive days before he could open it. The race is on. We've now finished day 3 and so far, so good. In the meantime, this box goes everywhere with Carter...all over the house, in the car...even to bed. He constantly tells me how much he loves his new toy. Imagine when he can actually open it!!!

Night #1...sleeping with the box.

The sticker chart (here with just one sticker, but now has THREE!)
So we'll see how this all plays out. Ryan and I don't buy the boys much throughout the year because they always seem to have too much just from their birthdays and Christmas. Drastic times call for drastic measures (or something like that...)
We took the boys to Ice Age 3 on Sunday. It was alright. I preferred "Up" myself. But, they think it's a treat to get popcorn and their own lemonade...and we enjoy it because they both can actually sit through an entire movie (minus 3 bathroom trips for Carter). On the way home, Logan thought we should make our own movie theater at home. One of those "great ideas" that a mother hopes he forgets about in the days to come. However, we did stop by the post office today and pick up a couple of boxes. And while Carter and I were running errands, Daddy and Logan proceeded to make movie theater boxes, paint job included. They decorated them with stickers when we got home and of course, had popcorn and lemonade with a Blockbuster rental before bed tonight.
Logan couldn't manage to stop chewing popcorn long enough for a picture.
Not sure why Carter looks so terrified...

As for Ryan, he's spent the last 3 weeks (and will spend the next 4 weeks) eating, sleeping and breathing his upcoming sheep hunt. After knowing this man for 14 1/2 years, I've only seen him make a list twice...for his sheep hunt 2 years ago and for this one. It's also the only two times I've seen him pack neatly. I don't understand it, but whatever trips his trigger...he leaves August 10 and will plan on being back Aug. 24.
Baby Info:
Baby has a definite schedule at night, waking around 11:00 and 3:30. I'm very hopeful this schedule continues AFTER birth as well!!! Apparently baby has taken kickboxing lessons at some point because there was quite the show at 3:45 this morning. Baby is also still folded in half as opposed to fetal position, so all the action occurs on my left side. In fact, Carter stayed in this position until his birthday. This baby's slightly more crammed for space with the placental thing so I'm hoping he/she doesn't stay this way, just for peace of mind. Carter could barely move the last three months (go ahead...lie down with your feet by your head and see how well you can kick!), which always made me a little nervous because there were always DAYS inbetween when I could feel him actually move. But, for now, this baby wiggles a bunch...more than I remember with the boys. All's well on the home front.

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