Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Not quite ready

Baby Update:

I'll officially be 33 weeks tomorrow, but I've been seeing my OB weekly now (starting two weeks ago) just for the sake of keeping an eye on things and because my liver has begun to act up just a wee bit. I feel like there's a revolving door at his clinic....I walk out to my car and turn around and walk right back in. He ended up doing a liver panel last week and my levels were just ever so slightly out of whack. Nothing (symptom-wise) has worsened in the past week. I seem to be able to control things with diet, epsom salt baths and my herbal supplement, so I'm hoping to keep it that way. I ate a ribeye over the weekend and could definitely feel the difference all day Monday...but was able to lower my symptoms again by eating only vegetables Monday and putting lots of lemon in my water. I'm definitely not a vegetarian in the making; it's very hard to get full without dairy and meat in my diet!!! So now my daily schedule consists of an antibiotic, which has to be taken more than 2 hours after my herbal supplement...and my herbal supplement has to be taken on an empty stomach and I can't eat anything for 30 minutes afterwards. Poor Ryan; the oven timer keeps going off and he thinks he'll try to help by taking something out of the oven, etc...but it's just his wife's reminder to eat or take something.

We're scheduled for another ultrasound on Monday..."just to peek at things". Dr. Richey had recommended that we have periodic ultrasounds towards the end, between the cholestasis and the placenta, just to make sure this little dude is still comfy and cozy. I was already carrying him very low, but he's somehow managed to snuggle in lower. I can feel his head on my sacrum and I can breathe much easier now. My OB raised an eyebrow at that, but said nothing. The only concern that sneaks into my mind regularly now is a labor that's way too quick. With Logan, I was already in the hospital (for liver problems, not because I was in active labor) when my water broke...and he was born 3 hours later. That's pretty quick, especially for a first baby. Of course, I never had the luxury of going into labor with Carter. But now, with baby #3...and two other kids to coordinate plus the 40 minute drive to the hospital...
I actually am not scared of having a baby at home, but with this being a VBAC, it wouldn't be ideal. So, you can all pray that I have at least a 5-hour labor or so...just to ease my Type A mind!

So tomorrow I go to pick up our carseat. I pre-registered at the hospital (paperwork is NOT fun when you're having a bunch of contractions....THIS, I learned the hard way) and I threw our Cord Blood kit into a bag to put in the car....but I'm really still hoping for a November baby. I made my boppy pillow last night, but still need to make the car seat cover. Some friends are throwing a baby shower for me on Oct. 10; this will be the first baby shower I'll have that will actually occur BEFORE baby arrives. My poor family is freezing. We were driving to church on Sunday with the air conditioning on, yet it was only 40 degrees or so outside. Hey...mommy's a little warm right now.

33 weeks

Baby boy #3

1 comment:

BellaLovesPink said...

Love the prego pics! Had never seen any pics of you pregnant with the other boys!

Glad things are still going well!