Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Perfect Fall Day.

After six weeks of nearly constant rain, it has finally stopped dripping up here. I'm hopeful that the clouds got it out of their system and we'll get very little snow this winter (much to Logan's dismay; he's already excited for the snow to come).

And, it should be noted that this post is dedicated to my sister-in-law, Erin. On her blog, she commented that Alaska had no fall. NOT TRUE! Apparently, she must have blinked and missed the whole thing! Seriously, I miss the autumn of the midwest as well, but I do NOT miss the heat of the summer.

So now that it's hitting the freezing point overnight and it finally creeps up to almost 50 degrees by afternoon, we decided to head outside. Ryan wanted to get some firewood ready and he thought it would be a good idea for the boys to "help."
Logan instructing Daddy in the order that the logs should be cut...Hey, Daddy's the one that wanted the "help."

They couldn't lift the big pieces, but also weren't about to settle for the small ones (Aaaah, the ego emerges!)


swood said...

Where are the pictures with Grandma and Grandpa Sodertrom? Are they camera shy?

Tiffany and Brian said...

Very cute, I wish I was gathering firewood in nice fall weather. Today was at least 70 and sticky. No need for firewood in sight especially because we have no stove or fireplace. Still missing Alaska... Am I nuts or did I just forget how cold and wet it is up there. Miss all the normal people!!!!!!!! DMN Midwesterners ha ha