Saturday, November 1, 2008

Did you want fries with that shake?

So I can't claim that I've become Martha Stewart since I've been you can tell by the boys' purchased costumes. Thank God for ebay!

It's hard to find costumes for kids in Alaska...most of them just aren't made for wearing over snowpants and heavy winter coats. Nevertheless, there was no shortage of kids out and about in the dark at 5:30 Friday night...wearwolves with stocking caps and fairies with moon boots. It doesn't get any better than this.

Knocking on Grandpa & Grandma's door.

The boys really were excited about trick or treating this year and they picked out their own costumes off the ebay website (thanks to Mom's lack of planning ahead). We only stopped at six houses, but then went to one of the local churches that has games, etc. for the kids; they still get candy and nobody freezes. At the end of the night, the boys were trying to come down off their sugar high on the drive home when I hear a little voice from the back seat: "I just love to drink myself." (Take the costume straw out of your mouth, Logan)

Sugar + 3 hours past bedtime = 2 very dopey boys!