Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why does "knee" have a silent "k"?

Now that our first born is in school, the question list is getting longer (and my answer list appears to be simultaneously getting smaller). It's difficult to explain all of the spelling rules of the English language...when there's 47 exceptions to every rule (hence the title above...this was one of the questions yesterday). I never considered myself to be brilliant...but my self esteem is taking a beating by all the questions asked by my 5-year old that I actually CANNOT answer. I think I need a hug...anybody???

Logan started preschool in January and we're pretty excited that he's already reading. I guess when they're ready, they're ready. Most of his class is younger, so they're just working on sounds, but he moves on with the kindergarten class at reading time. He actually read an entire book to me a couple of weeks ago. I love this age. We're pretty much past the tantrums and we haven't yet developed an attitude problem....life is good.

Logan seemed to take a few weeks to adjust to school. Each morning he'd tell me he didn't want to go to school, but he'd always tell me how much fun he had when I picked him up. I think he was pretty sure he was missing out on some grand excitement that Carter and I were engaging in while he was busy learning. Once he caught on that Carter and I just came home most days, he stopped telling me he didn't want to go to school. It's nice to have just Carter in the mornings; Mommy's never seem to get that one-on-one time with any of their kids after the first one.

Logan also seems to grasp the idea that he is in fact OLDER than his brother. They've always done the same things together...until now. In fact, when leaving church on Sunday to go to children's church, Logan stopped at the door and shouted "Carter, you can't come to children's church. It's too hard for you!" Thankfully, Carter isn't competitive enough to really care at this point.

Now that the boys are getting a wee bit older and into more activities, I'm beginning to wonder how I ever had time to work (for an actual wage, that is). I still get up at 5:15 - 5:30, just like when I was working. But, I used to get myself ready, drag the boys out of bed and toss them in the car. On the road around 6:00. But now, I actually have to get my own children ready rather than pawning that off on my sitter. So, I get ready, wake the boys around 6:15 and we head out to the car around 7:20 to get Logan to school. I'm still not sure why it takes an hour to get two little boys fed, dressed and teeth brushed...but it does. I'm wondering how weird it will be when Carter goes to preschool next fall too...I guess the dog and I will have some bonding time...or maybe my house will actually get cleaned.

The latest indoor sporting activity...jumping on Daddy when he's trying to rest (sometimes even without warning him first!!!)

I'm not sure how Logan's teacher got materials on Daddy's extracurricular activities...but I guess that makes the learning more meaningful (note the picture in frame 4)

Every day Logan has to write his name and a sentence. We wanted to send a note back to the teacher : "We do not wish to encourage our child to write false statements" (I hope you can read the writing. It says "I am not a nut.")

Here's our very own Superman. I still love pictures of sleeping babies, regardless of age. Poor little guy has developed some fears of going to bed at nighttime; we were actually up with him every hour for two nights in a row (now I've had infants...but either I'm old or I've grown accustomed to sleeping through the night because these two nights were very brutal on us).

Sweet dreams.

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