Friday, April 10, 2009

Brotherly Love

Ever since Logan started preschool in January, Carter is definitely lonely. By the time we get home from picking Logan up, it's time for lunch and then Carter's nap. So on Fridays (Logan doesn't have school) I tend to let Carter skip his nap because they play together really well all day long and I don't have the heart to break it up...until today.

While the boys were playing with trains on the kitchen floor, I was doing what any doting stay-at-home mom would do...check e-mail.

Suddenly, I hear a very loud shriek from Logan...followed by absolutely NO remorse from Carter.

These pictures were taken about 5 hours after the fact. We now have a complete imprint of Carter's bite.

So, while Logan has a mark on his cheek...Carter has a different mark on his...uh..."cheeks." Needless to say, Carter's napping now.