Monday, May 4, 2009

Catching up

I heard a comment from a certain Grandma that I hadn't updated our blog in a while. In my defense, my lack of energy leaves me pretty worthless most of the day. I'm starting to liven up a little, but still manage to nap most days (one of the perks of older kids that I did NOT experience while I was pregnant with Carter).

Saw the Dr. again's heartrate was 160, so that "predicts" a girl. To answer the infamous question: NO, we are not finding out ahead of time if we're having a boy or a girl. We decided to have another baby because we wanted another baby, not to merely try for a girl. Someday I'd like to balance the baseball and Lightning McQueen with with ballet slippers and Cinderella. But we're happy to have two boys that beat the odds with the curveballs that pregnancy throws our way and we're praying for the same results with this baby.

Carter talking to his egg; this kid's imagination is like nothing I've ever seen. He can create an entire drama with his hand and a pencil eraser.

Our "kinda mad" face.

Logan actually participates in soccer this year (as opposed to watching airplanes and picking dandelions like last year). He has a definite defensive strategy as he waits back from the "mob" of kids chasing the ball and really defends the goal. He's also VERY up to date on the score, of which he informs the ref and the entire opposing team after each and every goal. Not sure how much longer that'll be considered "cute" by the other team...

Logan was a tightrope walker in his preschool's Circus program. He even had to pretend to ALMOST fall.

Lastly, we have our most recent injury report of the household. We were at the neighbor's house and Logan was rolling a short log around. He attempted to push it up a little hill...he slipped...and caught the log with his mouth. Bloody lips and tongue but all teeth are accounted for.

After some tylenol, a story and a little snuggle time with Mom on the couch, he fell asleep for the night. And not to worry...he found his own method of "soothing" himself as well...





Such is a common scene in a house with two little boys.


BellaLovesPink said...

Drat! I was hoping you would want to find out the sex this time! Love the self-soothing technique picture - got a good belly laugh!

Ryan and Trish said...

Sorry to disappoint you, Doreen. To be honest, I've never had the slightest desire to know ahead of time with any of these pregnancies. Take note: that is probably the ONLY example of me having any resemblance of patience in my life! I have a feeling I'll be sewing a few things in pink...just in case.