Monday, August 24, 2009

A day in the life of one who doesn't work

First day of school today, which means the new routine began. Here’s a rundown of our first day:

5:00 Wake up to Ryan’s alarm going off. Hmmmph. Could’ve slept another half hour; elected to settle for staying in bed, even if not sleeping.

5:30 Time to get vertical, shower, etc.

6:15 Make the boys’ lunches

6:30 Rise and shine for our boys. I wonder why they slept this late today when they’re up by 6:00 every other day??? Carter’s soaked…and considering he slept with Logan last night, Logan’s soaked too…along with a book, a stuffed dog, 4 blankets, 2 pillow and several toy trains. Add several loads of laundry to the day’s “to do” list.

7:00 Time’s up for breakfast. Onto getting dressed and brushing teeth.

7:10 Remind Carter AGAIN to brush his teeth.

7:15 Count to 10 before telling Carter to brush his teeth ONE MORE TIME.

7:20 Shoes on, out the door.

7:50 Arrive at Carter’s school and walk him in. He freezes as soon as I open the door, but a gentle shove and he’s crossed the threshold. No tears, but a little apprehension.

8:00 Head to the grocery store with Logan to get a few last minute things for Carter’s birthday party tomorrow night.

8:45 Off to Logan’s school and walk him in. A quick hug and he’s off…with his classmates…which means I’m off to fill in for a short shift at work.

9:10 Arrive at work in Soldotna.

12:00 Leave work in Soldotna

12:20 Pick up Carter from Daddy, get the mail and head home.

1:10 Try to convince a sleepy Carter that he does indeed have to take a nap. Carry in groceries.

1:30 Preheat oven and begin making M & M treats for Carter to bring to school tomorrow.

2:15 Decide to let a napless Carter get up; I guess the smell of cake and cookies is a bit much to resist for him.

2:20 Make birthday cake (from a box, like any good mother would do) with Carter. Let him lick the beaters, but tell him he can’t have any cake today.

2:30 Tell Carter he can’t sample his school treats either.

2:40 Deny Carter his request to open his birthday presents before Daddy and Logan get home.

3:00 Dig out coffee, lemonade, etc. for birthday party tomorrow (received our coffee maker as a wedding gift 11 years ago; it only gets used at birthday parties).

3:10 Once again, inform Carter he cannot sample his school treats or birthday cake and it’s NOT yet time to open his presents. Continue to work on cake, treats, lemonade, jello, etc. for party.

4:30 Daddy and Logan arrive home.

4:31 Carter begins to open presents from Mommy, Daddy and Logan.

5:30 Attempt to convince boys to eat dinner. DENIED!!! Decide to wait and let them have a late dinner with a short movie before bed.

6:30 Bedtime routine...brushing teeth, jammies on, late dinner while watching new "Thomas and Friends" movie.

7:05 Boys in bed (AKA "clean up time").

8:00 Go into boys' room for the 4th time and tell them they have to get into separate beds.

8:02 Boys asleep; funny how that happens so much more quickly when they don't attempt to sleep together.

Throw in about 4 loads of laundry, an occassional meal, approximately 47 potty breaks for this Mommy and 13 times of letting the mutt outside and back in. Maybe I should go back to working full time just so I can have a little less running around. Aaaaaaah, the day is complete. What's on the dish tonight?

At Lowe's on Saturday. Logan showing off his school bus he made. We LOVE these projects (and you can't beat "free")

Carter hammering the completed project.
Onto the Peninsula State Fair. Since Logan saw this rock climbing wall at LAST YEAR'S FAIR, he's looked forward to giving it a try. This was as far as we got...

Carter showing off his backpack for the first day of preschool.

After the present opening. Daddy gets the pieces and the instructions while Mommy grabs a bite to eat.

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