Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Status Quo

Just logged into our blog and caught the baby countdown…yikes…only 74 days left to vote (and that was allowing people to vote up until 10 days past our due date). Suffice it to say, I’m beginning to enter…
the “freaking out” zone.
Two months to go doesn't seem like much time, especially with all the running around with bringing each of the boys 20 miles to school...and being picked up at different times. I decided that our mortgage payment should be about $20 a month, given the amount of time I actually spend in the darn thing! "Stay-at-home mom" is a misleading title...."stay-in-the-car mom" might be more accurate.
So, I was off for another checkup at the OB today. Having only two weeks between appointments now seems to make the time fly. I had been having a few "funny" symptoms the past couple of days and was debating whether to mention them to him or not. I find myself annoyed by hypochondriac-type people that dribble on and on about every little thing they feel. I also find myself irritated by those that self-diagnose via internet or their neighbor. However, I made the mistake of not telling my OB about my symptoms with Logan because I didn't want to become one of "THOSE" patients...and only finally admitted to them when my midwife caught me crying one day. Kind of got myself (and Logan) into a bit of a pickle for the sake of my foolish pride on that one. So, I decided to humble myself and fill the OB in and let him do his job and determine whether it was anything to raise an eyebrow at or not...and he did. So, instead of my usual 10-minute appointment and $25, I was there for an hour and a half, handed over $160 and was on my way. In the end, the baby looked great, but he's suspicious of my liver being the source of my symptoms. Could me malfunctioning...or baby could just be "pinching" it since that's the side he's been hanging out on since the beginning. I don't have any of the symptoms indicating toxins in the bloodstream, so we're assuming the latter at this point. Baby was moving and measuring ahead of schedule. In fact, his head measured a week and a half ahead. Imagine that: a Magee male with a BIG HEAD...who woulda thought???
On another note, my boys managed to both bring colds home during the first 3 weeks of school, but I didn't manage to get it until this week. I'm not one to usually take medications for anything; I rarely take tylenol for a headache even. But, I admit I do love my Nyquil when I have a cold...nothing like a good alcohol and medication-induced night's sleep when you're all stuffed up. However, I resisted the urge this time, being pregnant and all. So, last night's sleep was a bit of an adventure. If I was on my back, my heart would begin to race. If I was on my right side, the ol' pregnancy-induced acid reflux kicked in (a NEW pregnancy experience for me this time around). And, when I was on my left side, I couldn't hardly breathe between my sinus being stuffy and my lung capacity being about the size of a tablespoon lately. I did manage to get a little shut-eye in 30-minute increments. I think I actually laughed out loud at around 2:00 a.m., thinking this must look pretty pathetic if someone was watching. So, I meandered into the doctor's office today, apparently looking a bit under-rested. He says to me "You look a little tired today" (which is the polite way of saying: "You look like crap! Get some sleep already!"). Funny stuff.

1 comment:

Robert and Erin said...

I seriously can't believe you are already 30 weeks!