Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Some more "firsts"...for everyone

With Christmas fast approaching (and therefore, Logan's birthday) and a new baby in the house, I find myself in a state of unbelief that I've been a Mommy for six years now. I remember so vividly Logan's first few weeks and months...and then there's a few years that are a bit of a blur. I guess that's the disadvantage of having the two boys as close as they were. My brain was a bit fried, apparently.

Logan frequently can be heard telling Carter "Don't tell me about that...I'm in kindergarten, so I KNOW." He enjoys school very much, but the days are still pretty long for him (he gets up at 6:00 and doesn't get home until close to 5:00), so I think Christmas break will be good for all of us.

Since so many people fly "outside" for the Christmas break, I wanted to have a birthday party for Logan's friends before school got out. I was not, however, willing to invite the entire class as other kids have done. The thought of 18 little kindergarteners in my house is not my idea of fun...or necessity. So, Logan got to pick 6 friends from school, plus we invited Joshua and Ethan too (our sitter's boys). When I asked Logan how he picked his six friends from school, he couldn't really give me an explanation (were they the kids he liked the most? the ones he played with the most?). He DID, however, tell me he plays with Sidney the most at school (see pic below). Why? Because she's the prettiest girl in the class. At least he's honest.

The party gang...cupcakes and ice cream sandwiches, just as Logan requested.

So with Carter being in preschool, he had his Christmas program last week. He sang all of his songs and had a silly, embarassed smirk on his face the whole time. The highlight for him? He got to take his kazoo home after the performance (Oh, how could I repay his teachers for such a delightful gift? Let me count the ways...).

And of course, Miss Sadie keeps growing. I plan on asking the pediatrician next week if he can prescribe some magic dust to keep her little.

She has now outgrown the "newborn" clothes she had, so those have been boxed up and we've broken out the 0-3 month stuff. For those of you that have had little ones, you know that not all sizing is the same. So, right now, her closet only contains the SMALLER 0-3 month stuff. All of the boxes there in the picture are waiting to go into the crawlspace....that's only the clothing up to 6 months, folks. This girl has more of a wardrobe than she will ever be able to wear. People have been extremely generous. The only reason we will buy clothing for her before she's a year is because the abundance of pink gets pretty tiring, especially for two parents that didn't care for the color much before we had a baby girl. Chances are if I'm ever out and about and see an outfit that's not pink, I'll have to buy it just to neutralize her closet!Sadie's becoming quite animated. We've gotten a few smiles, but nothing we can "count on" just yet. She has definite cries when she's tired and hungry and she definitely makes her disappointment known when she gets a diaper change instead of a meal. She also instantly wails if I have to put her down and walk away for a second (Heaven forbid Mommy need to go to the bathroom now and then). I'm still trying to get a picture of her infamous frown; I've never seen anything like it.

The pacifier-induced sneer.

The "sort of" smile.

Giving Daddy a backhand for some sarcastic remark.

Love my WubbaNub.

Love my WubbaNub's butt.
All snuggled in. Why don't they make adult-sized blankies this soft?


BellaLovesPink said...

Love the pics! Sadie is TOO cute!!

And I can't believe how organized you are. Avery's closets never have and never will look like that.

Ryan and Trish said...

Oh, Doreen. Surely you realize organization is a symptom of a Type A personality...I cannot help it. Plus, we don't have a dresser for her room, so the closet shelves are all we've got.

Robert and Erin said...

I am thinking the same thing as Doreen....Madyson's closet is a nightmare and Caitlyn's is...well, Caitlyn's. Maybe I should hire you to come down and organize my entire house!!

Ryan and Trish said...

Erin: I'll organize a closet if you'll do my holiday baking. I keep making fudge...and eating it. Nothing else. Just fudge.