Saturday, November 6, 2010

Catching up Again

Good thing I didn't make any promises after the last post...cuz here I am over two months later, finally posting again. One of these days I'll quit thinking to myself "As soon as _______ is over, then life will slow down for a bit" because something else always comes along to take it's place.

Logan's taking off in first grade. He's very smart and always has good reports at conferences. As I sat down with his teacher at conferences a week ago, the first thing she asked was "Logan, how do you think your behavior is in school?" Without skipping a beat, Logan replied "Oh, really good!" I guess humility comes sometime after first grade. Needless to say, he's reading up a storm, working on his multiplication table like crazy, and continues to amaze me with his maturity. I remember watching my friend's girls a couple of years ago, amazed at the maturity of her 7-year-old. It's refreshing to have at least one of my children at that level. Now if only I could achieve that same level of maturity some days...
Logan with his Wii remote costume. one ask me what my boys "NEED" for Christmas. We're looking to simplify Christmas a bit this year...

Carter's doing great as well. Since his birthday occurs during the first week of school...and he's a rather energetic boy, we elected to have him do preschool again this year. We originally started him in the same school as last year, but have since switched him to a different school and he's doing wonderfully. I guess there's something to be said for putting a kid in an enviroment where he feels he's loved rather than just pushed academically. He's starting to read that he's not being pushed to READ. Go figure.

One of his more tiresome days after school. He had put his laundry in to wash and asked if he could play with his hamper. I noticed it got awfully quiet in the living room...

Carter, our PEZ dispenser. You know it's cold when this kid says he'd rather go home than get more candy. It was freezing!

Lovingly "tossing a few leaves" on his sister. She was unimpressed.

And off and running. Her personality continues to put me under a spell. Not sure if it's a "baby #3" thing or a "girl" thing. She's very charming and pretty easy-going as long as she's gotten some sleep and her belly is full. She says "Hi" and "What's that?"...and of course, waves bye-bye and spits upon request. If I point and say "ET phone home", she sticks out her pointer finger and touches mine. She likes to help mommy sort laundry (fling all laundry around room, whether folded or unfolded) and load the dishwasher (attempt to crawl into dishwasher). I love to watch her hug her baby dolls. She also demonstrates the classic girlish eye-batting when she decides to be shy when someone's talking to her. How do they figure that stuff out so early?

Being cheese-y for the camera.

Gotta love the first tooth gaps!

Her mother neglected to trim her nails in a timely manner, so she scratched her nose...but the silly thing wouldn't quit bleeding.

Snuggling her pillow pet from Grandma Jan.

As for Ryan and I, nothing much as changed...getting older and more boring with each day...and we like it that way. But no one wants to hear about us anyway.
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