Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Baby Update

Ryan and I went to the perinatologist today and got some great news. She was able to rule out "amniotic band syndrome," which was our biggest concern. If you do a search on this, be warned: it is not good bedtime reading...especially if you're pregnant. My placenta still has this large piece that stretches through the entire uterus (circumvallate placenta); in fact, baby apparently likes to rest his/her feet on it :). Not really a direct danger to the baby, thank goodness. It is a significant risk for bleeding and premature rupture of membranes so I'm not allowed to lift (good thing I don't have a one-year old this time around) and I'm not allowed to run/jog. Ryan joked that this got me out of going sheep hunting with him (as if I'm THAT crazy!).

She also found a heart defect, which she watched for about 5 minutes of the ultrasound. There's an extra "flap" in one of the atriums. It is possible it will stay nothing more than a flap or maybe even resorb a little into the wall of the atrium with growth. But, we have to see her again in August and see what it looks like then. If it closes off and makes a "third atrium", we have to see the perinatal cardiologist. Treatment ranges from doing nothing to heart surgery. Ick.

So, we are much relieved that I just have a placental abnormality rather than the other mentioned above. That was my greatest concern. Apparently, my body isn't capable of creating a normal placenta (at least not the first three times around!). For the time being, baby looks good and healthy. I have a feeling another c-section is in my future. Bummer.

Sorry no pics. Baby was shy, keeping his/her feet AND hands in front of face, so no good face shots and the rest is on DVD so it's hard to pick a good view...and I'm sure no one else likes to stare at those pictures as much as we do anyway!


GolfRube said...

You commented 'at least not the first 3 times around'...does this mean there will be a 4th, 5th, 6th? Are you guys mormon now?

Robert and Erin said...

Hoping all goes well...keeping Baby Magee in my thoughts. I'm glad that you got to see Dr. R.; she is wonderful and doesn't mess around! Keep us posted!