Monday, April 28, 2008

Not Carter's Best Day

As I mentioned before, the boys really loved being outside while we were in Arizona a few weeks ago. However, it's still 35-45 degrees here and we have quite a bit of snow in our backyard - enough that the boys would be hip deep in it just trying to get to their swingset. Every morning, Logan wakes up and peeks out the patio door to the backyard. "Oh, Mom. It's gonna take FOREVER for all the snow to go away." Kenai, however, has almost no snow left. So, today I decided to take them to the playground in town, even if it meant three layers of clothes.

Carter, however, apparently felt the need to compete with his cousin Caitlyn in the "self-mutilation" department before the day was over. (Refer to the link for Martin blog) First of all, he woke up very stuffed up - not sure if it's allergies or a cold, but the child could barely breathe nonetheless. So Zyrtec it is (thank goodness this is over-the-counter now; it's the only things that works for him). So then he sits down to breakfast, runny nose and eyes and all. Apparently his eye itched, which normally isn't a problem to scratch...unless you have a fork in hand. Big scratch right by his left eye.

Later, he and Logan were tormenting Aspen, which she usually enjoys. However, she apparently had had enough and began growling to be left alone. I reminded them three times to leave her alone. One bite mark on Carter's arm later, they listened to me :)

So off to the park we go. Because school is still in session, we had to pick a park that wasn't part of a school. The boys couldn't wait to get out of the car. They went racing over to the jungle gym only to find a gigantic lake all around it. Hmmmmm...option number two? Thankfully, I managed to remember about the park by the bluff. That one was relatively dry. Strangely enough, their highlight was playing with the one remaining patch of snow (didn't we come to town to get away from the snow in our backyard?). So with 5 minutes to go before we leave, Carter falls off the top of the jungle gym and catches himself on the lower platform...with his face.

Watching their chunks of snow melt in the water puddle.

Needless to say, I had to e-mail our sitter and explain all of the battle wounds ahead of time so I don't find myself being visited by Child Services tomorrow.

What kind of mother stops to take pictures like this?

Can't really see the bruise on his shoulder all that well (and I spared you the picture of the bruise on his butt!) Should I be worried that he poses so well in "mug shot formation"???

1 comment:

GolfRube said...

Avery is going through the same thing! Two days ago she goes over the handle bars of a tricycle and caughter herself with her chin, this morning she dove off the last step of stairs at daycare, again catching it with her face - they'll be tougher for it though!