Friday, June 20, 2008

10 years of wedded bliss

10 years ago today,
in the little town of Dent, MN,
two young college grads made a vow to each other:
to love, honor and cherish each other
'til death do us part.
I won't speak for Ryan,
but I love my husband more today than the day I married him.
And although I'm not sure I fully understood the
seriousness of marital vows at the time,
I understand them now.
I am truly blessed to have a husband
that is completely devoted
to his wife and little boys.
Here's to a lifetime together!


Tiffany and Brian said...

Congrats on 10 years together. We just celebrated our 5th and it's amazing how the time goes. I love reading your blog and all the little stories, thank you.

annalisa said...

I can't believe that are already 10 years! It seem's yesterday.
Love annalisa