Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My babies are growing up

I'm gradually coming to the realization that I no longer have a baby living in my house. I frequently get comments on how tall our boys are...especially Carter. In fact, the other day, Logan asked me when Carter was going to have a booster seat like he (Logan) did. I told him not until he was too big for the seat he had and then proceeded to tell him that when Carter's head reached the top of the back of the seat he would be ready for the next booster seat. Logan then informed me that Carter's head is already at the top. Turns out the little bugger was right; we've got about an inch of clearance. I think the last time I noticed, we had a least six inches to work with. Evidently my child grew when I wasn't looking.

So, on top of Carter's apparent growth, Logan is now frequently telling us of the things he can now do because he is FIVE. At the top of the list...going to school. I won't bore you with the details of why he wasn't in preschool last semester...but he is now. He attends READS Primary school from 8-12 Monday - Thursday. So far, he's met lots of friends but only knows one by name - Gracie. So, combining that with my rediscovered love for sewing, it only made sense for mommy dearest to make his backpack.

It's definitely far from flawless, but Logan told me it was "perfect".

Ready to go.

So what's Carter been doing while his brother has been at school? Bored, mostly. I didn't realize how much they play together (or shall I say FIGHT together) until one of them is missing. I must hear "Play with me, Mommy" all day long...even when I AM playing with him!

That aside, Carter is also working at becoming a little more proficient at dressing himself...









That's right...inside out AND backwards! (Now that takes talent!)

1 comment:

Tiffany and Brian said...

So does that mean it's time for another baby... You don't have to answer that. I can't believe what a little bean Carter is. It's just so amazing. My baby turns one soon and that is a shock as well. How time flies... Hope all is well. We are reserving preschool for Addi for next fall, people are crazy here about preschool.