Thursday, November 19, 2009

Driving Miss Sadie

Disclaimer: This post is going to be dated yesterday since that's when I started uploading pictures. I have a feeling future blog posts are going to be a 2-3 day process.
So Sadie's a week old, which means I'm allowed to drive, provided I'm not on meds. So I didn't let myself take anything after Wednesday night. And, other than a wee bit of soreness this morning, I think I'm on the mend. Now my back and abs (or lack thereof) just get tired very quickly when I'm up and about. I guess that's really not a problem since I can't seem to get enough of sitting and rocking and rubbing my cheek on her soft hair anyway. I'm beginning to think my family may never have a hot meal or clean clothes again. I can't seem to put her down.
So our first community endeavor on our own? JoAnn fabric, of course! Grandma Jan arrived yesterday afternoon, so she stayed home with Carter while I took Logan to school. I'm still not looking forward to the day I have to start getting all four of us out the door on time in the mornings. That is one area that was definitely easier when I worked. Because I had to leave at 6:15 in order to drop the boys off and be ready for my first patient at 7:00, all I really did was wake the boys up and put them in the car. Our sitters always brushed their teeth, fed them, got them dressed, etc. I was not a mommy that had to get herself AND her kids ready before work. But now, we all must be presentable and heading out the door by 7:20. No doubt, it will get easier as Sadie doesn't insist on eating every hour for 45 minutes at a time!
Now we had some people that were a bit skeptical about our baby news last week, thinking maybe we KNEW we were having a girl, but just didn't tell. So, for the record, we were indeed planning on a boy...see evidence below (i.e. all the things I made ahead of time).

BOY nursing cover

BOY car seat cover

BOY clothes (okay, these I didn't MAKE)

Basket of BOY baby toys

BOY crib bumper and valances
So now I'm on the prowl for fabric to decorate Sadie's room. I'll be happy if I'm done by her first birthday.
It's amazing how much of her personality has come on in just a week. Here's what we've figured so far:
1. This baby LOVES to nurse...all the time...for any reason. I think she's like her mom in that she doesn't like noise. Whenever there's some commotion in the house, she closes her eyes and nurses, but doesn't really drink. It's clear she's just checking out and going to her "happy place".
2. She despises having her diaper changed. Not sure if it's the cold...or the fact that she can't nurse while being changed...or what. But her lungs work well.
3. Even more than being changed, she despises her carseat. the 30-minute drive to town with a hysterical baby is not good, especially considering Mommy's hormone fluctuations this week. I hope she gets over this soon or this could be a very looooong winter!
4. I think her hair is getting lighter and her eyes are getting darker....but maybe it's just me.
Sleeping on Daddy's chest at the hospital
Proud big brothers

Grandma Barb had to get some bows

Peeking out from her PINK car seat cover.


Robert and Erin said...

Madyson STILL despised the carseat, so you may have to prepare for a permanent screaming passenger. She's a cutie@

swood said...

What a great family photo of your 3 kids. Love it. Great smiles and everything.

swood said...

What a great picture of the 3 kids! We are so happy for you!