Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yikes - November's here!

We're a little late with the Halloween pics. It's a pretty mellow endeavor at our house; we hit up the grandparent's houses and one neighbor. Yet, our boys end up with a bucketful of candy from just those 3 places. Throw in a halloween party at each of their schools and they're pretty well set. It's not a whole lot of fun when it's freezing anyway. Their costumes end up being covered up by their jackets for the most part (though this year, it was 35 degrees, so it wasn't too bad).
The boys posing with their pumpkin carvings at Grandma Rita's.
Our very own Thomas and moustacheless Mario. We painted the moustache on...and Logan wanted it washed off. I think he was self-conscious about it. He insisted that everyone still knew who he was.
Baby update:
Officially 38 weeks either yesterday or tomorrow, depending on which due date you'd like to use. Everything looked good today. Fluid was 11.3, baby was moving and "breathing", heartrate 148 (the baby's, not mine!). My blood pressure has been high the last 3 times, but doc doesn't seem too concerned about it. In the other pregnancies and earlier in this one, my blood pressure is really low (100/48, etc.). Anyway...nothing he seems too concerned about. My weight gain has stopped as well, which means it doesn't look like I'll meet my personal goal. I was hoping to reach 150. So far, I'm stuck at 146 1/2. Oh well. I've still gained a personal record of pregnancy weight with this one at 17 1/2 pounds.
Doc thinks baby is "average size" now. No signs of imminent labor, which suits me just fine. My contractions picked up over the past week, but nothing to the point where I thought I was actually in labor. With Logan and Carter, especially Logan, I had steady contractions for at least six weeks before he was born. So again, experiencing the "norm" is kinda nice. Dr. Barton says if I haven't gone into labor on my own by the 20th and if my body looks "favorable to labor", he'd break my water and "maybe use a little bit of pitocin." BUT...that's a whole two weeks away. The nice thing about attempting a VBAC is I'm "stuck" with my usual OB; I won't end up with another doc. I don't trust some other docs judgement around here. If we had elected to have a scheduled a c-section, we'd be having a baby on the 12th. I'm very much looking forward to the opportunity to avoid that.
So, I took Carter in to get his H1N1 nasal mist today. As I walked up to fill out his questionnaire, the lady actually asked me "Are you pregnant?" Now, I realize I am not the largest pregnant lady to ever walk the earth, but seriously?!? I also know some seem surprised to find out I'm due in just 2 weeks, but to question whether I am indeed pregnant? See for yourself...
I'm thinking the next time I get that question, I'm going to answer "no" and see how he/she responds...
38 weeks and still enjoying it all...

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