Tuesday, November 10, 2009

School Program

Logan had his first school program last Thursday; it's theme was "No Name Creek" (a creek they had visited on several short field trips). Logan's role was a narrator as well as a beaver acting role (see headband).
Leaning into the mic to be heard. I was surprised by the number of lines he had. He memorized them all but needed to be prompted WHEN to say them.

He seemed quite aware that Mommy had the camera. I love it when kids try not to smile...

Short baby update:
Still no more weight gain for me (I tried to eat a lot yesterday morning, but no luck on the poundage increase). Blood pressure was better. Baby's fluid was actually up over 12-something.
Dr. Barton doesn't think it's very likely I'll make it to my due date. Obviously, babies come when they're ready, but my body has changed a lot in just 5 days since I saw him last. Last Wednesday, there were NO signs of labor beginning anytime soon. Now, baby has spun around and has his face pointing backwards (which is ideal) and is definitely putting the pressure on. Dilated 2-3 cm so far. I won't bore you (or gross you out) with more details than that. Some people are squeamish :) Anyway...he just said that with how drastically things have changed in just 5 days, he didn't think I'd be one of these ladies that is 1 cm one week and then 2 the next week...So the only thing I'm nervous about NOW is having another quick labor on a day when Barton's out of town. (We Type A's have to have SOMETHING to worry about !) Say a little prayer that nothing happens Thursday or Saturday this week.
So, we wait...or rather, SHOP! I'm usually such a planner, but as I looked in baby's closet I realized we had ONE sleeper and TWO onesies in size 0-3 months. We have a few newborn things, but they only go up to 7 or 8 pounds, so I don't think this baby will be fitting in those for long. So after preschool, Carter and I hit up Freddie's and a local kid's/maternity store and picked up a few things to get by on. He was such a good boy all day, especially considering he didn't feel all that well. Hard to believe he's not going to be my baby much longer.
Now...about those sewing projects...


BellaLovesPink said...

*squeal* we're super anxious and excited for you!

Robert and Erin said...

Remember that Aunties are good about helping to provide clothes for new babies...hint, hint.

Ryan and Trish said...

I don't think we'll have to worry about too many clothes anytime soon, Auntie Erin. I think we have 3 sleepers, 5 onesies and a couple of outfits now. If he blows out of his diaper half as much as Logan did, I'll still be washing clothes daily at this rate :)

GolfRube said...

I think I told Ryan that he was coming today or tomorrow...I hope I'm right!!