Monday, October 19, 2009

The Artist

Logan typically has "homework" for kindergarten over the weekends. It's just one piece of paper, usually kind of a family effort sort of thing. Last week he had to walk through the house, drawing pictures of the patterns he saw (piano keys, wallpaper border, tile entry, etc.). This weekend, though, he had to draw pictures of his favorite things to do during the different seasons. I didn't want to lead him towards drawing anything in particular, so I told him to tell me what he likes to do and I'd let him know which season that activity took place in.

His first idea? He wanted to know which day of the year we get to eat breakfast at church...which is Easter he drew a picture of a waffle. Both of the boys really enjoy this because they're made from a mix, rather than Mommy's homemade ones made with wheat germ, etc. For summer, he decided "driving his jeep" was the highlight. Notice the big load of rocks in the back (accurately depicting the ACTUAL load of rocks currently in their jeep). Winter was "playing in the snow" and fall was "going to school." I laughed at the school picture; kinda looks like a prison, doesn't it?
Baby update:
I admit, I wasn't going into today's appointment with a lot of optimism. But, it turned out to be a very good day. My fluid levels were up to almost 11, which means baby moves a lot more too. At this point in my pregnancy with Logan, I was already dilated to 4...and he was born 2 days later. Upon "checking" today, that is not the case this time.
Also, between the medication and acupuncture, my liver symptoms have been ZIPPO since last Tuesday. Doc can't really explain it as the medication usually just stabilizes things instead of eliminating things. Whatever...I'll take it.
Sooooo....for the next week, I get to live under the assumption that I will go full term. Truthfully, I'll be happy just to go until 12:01 a.m. on November 1st...just to prove my husband wrong! (He's still saying we'll have an October baby) The only "concern" I have today is wondering if this baby will be too big to fit into the newborn clothes we've received....we might have to break out the 0-3 month size! What a novel idea.
I'm also wondering....can acupuncture cure my 4-year-old's need to have his hands down his pants CONSTANTLY!!!???

1 comment:

GolfRube said...

I haven't tried accupuncture, but I still have the hands down the pants problem at 34 so I'm going to say there is no cure...