Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Short update

Baby update:
Not much to update other than I get to plan on staying pregnant at least until I see him again on Monday. He said our decisions will just be week by week (hopefully for another 4-5 weeks). I'm officially 35 weeks tomorrow, but I'm convinced if this little dude sinks down any lower, he's going to fall out !

My fluid levels have gone down a bit more. It measured 7.29 today; it was 8.55 last week (normal is 5-20). But, baby was moving really well and showing almost constant breathing movements, which is a good sign of lung function in the event he comes early. They've told me in the past that girls' lungs tend to develop earlier than boys (must need to get ready for all that talking we girls do!), but we've been very fortunate in that department thus far. Logan needed quite a bit of help after he was born, but that was more due to him being "sick" as opposed to immature lungs. He also snapped right out of it in about 4 hours. Carter came out screaming and hasn't managed to stop yet!

So, I'm back in on Monday...hopefully to just be sent back out the door again!

On another note...I had a baby shower last weekend and in the process, Logan & Carter received these nice wooden tops. A string gets wound around this handle so when it gets pulled, the top spins for a really long time. They've really enjoyed them. Carter took one to bed last night, we didn't think much of it...until he came out with his finger stuck in the hole. We tried a few different things and ended up cutting the wood and breaking the thing in order to get it off. Ryan says it's a good thing it was made of weak pine rather than a harder wood. Carter was bummed that we couldn't fix it with tape, but off to bed he went...

...until this morning when I was brushing my teeth. Carter comes into the bathroom, looking all excited and says "Mom, look what I ..." and shows me how he got his finger stuck in the remaining top handle (which would be Logan's). Logan was on the couch, crying quietly because he knew his would need to be broken too. However, this time Carter put his index finger in instead of his middle finger, so I was able to pry it off with the lubrication of a little soap. Logan felt much better afterwards.

So, I was admitting to Ryan later in the day how I really, REALLY have absolutely NO PATIENCE for "stupid," (decisions, that is) regardless of age. So if you come to visit, please feel free to admire the cool top sitting on our windowsill, only to be taken down at Logan's request...and with supervision from now on. BOYS!

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