Friday, October 9, 2009

Be on the lookout for the evil bunny...

We were once again awakened by our second-born son at an hour much too early for our preference. It's typical for Carter to be up around 5:00, but this day, it was more like 3:30. He didn't come into the room and wake anybody up, but rather we awoke to the sound of the kitchen chairs being moved to accommodate his train-driving on the kitchen table. Ryan got up to find nearly every light in the house on. When he asked Carter what he was doing up, Carter responded "I had a nightmare."

I wondered most of the morning what kind of nightmare could cause him to wake at such an early hour, yet didn't prompt any crying or crawling into bed with Mommy or Daddy. So, when I picked him up from preschool, I asked him about his which he responded "I dreamed the Easter bunny was going to try to eat me! ...and that wouldn't be good, Mom".

I woke him up after he had napped for 4 hours that afternoon...

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