Monday, October 5, 2009

Losing a little optimism

So baby boy and I had a biophysical profile today (an ultrasound that specifically looks at fluid levels, baby's tone, respiratory movements, etc.). Unfortunately, my liver is giving me a bit more trouble; it's taking about 2hours to get to sleep and I'm noticing symptoms most of the day now. So, I'm on medication, which hopefully will stabilize things.

Also of note, my fluid levels were a bit on the low side...still within the normal range, but on the low end of "normal." This happened with Carter as well, but not until 37 weeks, which is why they took him early. This can be fairly normal in the 3rd trimester if nothing else is going on, but it's also a higher risk with the cholestasis and abnormal placenta. So, now I not only SEE my OB once a week, but we're doing the biophysical profiles once a week, possibly increasing to twice a week if needed. Bummer.

Good news is that I'm continuing to gain weight, as is the littlest Magee. Baby was "a little on the hefty side", which is really good. I'm technically 33 weeks, 4 days today but baby boy was measuring between 35 and 36 weeks on all measurements. Still can't get a very good shot of his face as he's constantly hiding it in the placenta. I think he's gonna be a snuggler.

Also in the "good news" category; my placenta is still a grade 2, which is normal for this stage. In the past, my placentas have broken down really early on. In my OB's words, my placentas looked like I was 2 weeks overdue, rather than 3 and 4 weeks early. So far, so good.

So, I was quite direct and asked if I could still plan on a November baby at this point (it's typical to induce between 36-37 weeks with cholestasis to bypass the greatest risk of stillbirth). His response was "Today, that's still the plan. We'll see what next week shows." Unfortunately, I cannot be induced with a VBAC, so I might be "facing the knife" again if we're forced to go early. Another bummer. But, as long as we bring home a healthy baby, I'll easily learn to live with that disappointment.

Aside from all that, I managed to get the car seat cover finished this weekend and Logan has officially been moved to the WAAAAAY back of the Expedition. I think we need an intercom system to talk now! I'd like to get the crib bumper made, but we'll see what time and energy levels allow.

So, after a non-productive morning running around, I picked up Carter and headed home. I decided to try not giving him a nap because I'm getting a little bit tired of him getting up at 5:30. I even asked him if he wanted to take a nap. His response: "No, I'm not even tired."

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