Monday, October 26, 2009

Same ol', same ol'...

Not much to update today, which is a good thing. Baby looked good on ultrasound. Fluid levels were about the same as last week. All of my usual blood work came back normal (we're not currently checking the liver stuff). Dr. Barton tried to get a picture of the baby's face again; baby boy is NOT very cooperative with this. Hopefully he'll be more photogenic on the outside.

I asked Dr. Barton if I'm right to assume that I'll be allowed to go 40 weeks, assuming things continue to look good at each visit and he said "yes." Although there is a risk of stillbirth during the last month, research shows it's lower in mild cases...and we feel my "case" this time around is quite mild between the medication, acupuncture and diet stuff. IF at some point things don't look alright, we would have to schedule another c-section as induction isn't wise with a VBAC attempt.

So, today, I'm optimistic. I have a few more things I'd like to get done before baby boy arrives; if they don't get done, oh well. Energy level is depleting fast. I have some major insomnia going on. I'm tired as ever, yet there I am for HOURS every night in bed, not sleeping. If I wasn't tired, I'd get up and do something...but I keep waiting for sleep to come. What's a few extra weeks of sleep deprivation anyway?

1 comment:

GolfRube said...

If you take the boys out trick or treating saturday and chase them around for a couple of hours, i bet you could still have an October baby:) ohhh, a halloween baby to go with your christmas eve baby!!